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Benchtop NMR

Oxford Instruments Magnetic Resonance benchtop NMR spectroscopy enables novel research and optimise quality control. With comprehensive global support, our specialists are excited to address your challenges!

X-Pulse NMR Spectrometer
High resolution multinuclear NMR spectroscopy with flow and reaction monitoring.

X-Pulse is a revolution in the flexibility of benchtop NMR. Combining true broadband X-nuclei capability, flow chemistry, reaction monitoring and variable temperature with superior spectral resolution, X-Pulse lets you perform a wide range of experiments on the bench in your lab.

X-Pulse uses a 60MHz permanent magnet with high homogeneity and temperature stability making it easy to position in a lab and requires no liquid cryogens. X-Pulse may be used with either standard 5mm NMR tubes, or our easy-to-use flow cell.

The system is controlled by a new and improved version of our SpinFlow data acquisition software making it easier to perform routine experiments and more flexible than ever for advanced users.

Pulsed field gradients and shaped RF pulses are available as standard for coherence selection, selective excitation and water and solvent suppression.

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MQC+ QA/QC Analyser
Fast, accurate analysis for food, agriculture, textile, chemical, polymer and other industries.

The MQC+ benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyser measures oil, water, fluorine and solid fat in a variety of samples and is typically used for quality assurance and quality control. It also measures the physical properties of materials such as polymer crystallinity/density and molecular weight. Analysis using the MQC+ takes from a few seconds to a few minutes, which means that a high volume of samples can be processed quickly and efficiently.

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