A wide array of advanced electron microscopes, including Stand and Variable-Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM & VP-SEM), Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes (FE-SEM), Biological and Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) and Tabletop Microscopes.Electron Microscopes (SEM/TEM)
Conventional SEM employs thermionic electron source (tungsten filament) and can accommodate relatively large sample. Using low vacuum mode, non-conductive sample, outgassing sample, and sample containing a little water or oil can be observed without metal coating. Broad-ranging lineup from compact type to large chamber model is available based on sample size and application.
The TM4000 Series features innovation and cutting-edge technologies which redefine the capabilities of a tabletop microscope. This new generation of the Hitachi tabletop microscopes (TM) integrates ease of use, optimized imaging, and high-image quality, while maintaining the compact design of the well-established Hitachi TM Series products.
The TM4000Plus II can observe not only conductive samples, but also non-conductive or hydrated samples without sample preparation. Switching between BSE and SE can be performed easily.